So! It's that time for the end of a year and the beginning of another. Ah, New Years. In the past I've done resolution lists so long it would take someone 40 years to complete... So this year I'm opting to keep it simple by limiting myself to 10 resolutions max. Here they are!
01) Lose weight! (100 lbs to be exact...)
02) Be on time! (Stick to a schedule/routine.)
03) Stop procrastinating! (Just do it!)
04) Eat Healthier! (No fast food or very rarely.)
05) Read more! (Knowledge=Power.)
06) Stay organized! (Keep a home Martha would be proud of.)
07) Watch my spending!
08) Do more art!
09) Feel more confident, smile more, and feel beautiful!
10) Love and Accept Thy Self!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Well I hope your holidays were just as festive as mine were! I had tons of fun and enjoyed the company of cuddable kittens, friends in mittens, and sweet Stevie-Pie! haha.
The festivities began after work on Christmas Eve with a gathering of family friends at our place. We smashed a peppermint pig and recollected fond memories of the year, and popped open some holiday crackers to start some memories for next year. Both of these traditions root from England. Peppermint is supposedly good luck, and the large POP! from the crackers are supposed to ward off evil spirits and bring luck. I wanted to start some family traditions, since I never really had any. haha. So far, the crowd finds the traditions gay and tacky, but I'm determined to keep them going! haha. Maybe one day we will all laugh about how I wanted to start some sort of tradition. OR! Maybe over the years more traditions will just somehow fall into place. (Yes, peppermint pigs and holiday crackers will still be around.)
Our guests stayed until about 11:30PM, playing games and snacking on foods. After the guests departed, The kittens, Steve and I all opened our stockings. The cats got some new toys (Chanel's favorite is a new laser-pointer); Steve got some hot sauce, pop rocks, and some other random desk toys for work; I got a sweet new Betsey Johnson wallet, candy, a decorative owl, and some new Mocha Rose lip balm. I pleaded and begged Steve to open our presents then, but he insisted that we wait until morning. I reluctantly obliged.
The next morning, Steve woke me up at 9AM. I remember my first groggy word was 'PRESENTS?!' all excited, yet still wanting to sleep. We both got some really awesome stuff. Steve got the new season of Robot Chicken, the new Call of Duty game that he wanted, candles from White Barn in his favorite scent, and some manly man stuff (IE: Shaving cream, Shampoo/body wash stuff, and Razors). I got some really awesome books, a night sky projection kit, two owl necklaces, an electronic glass scale, and a couple wii games. After opening gifts I made some hot cocoa and we watched some movies together on Netflix until it was time to go to his parents house.
We went to Steve's parents house around 6:30PM (late of course, due to my sluggish momentum). We opened gifts and ate food. Then some of us played beer pong in the basement. It was my first time ever playing it, and I must say it was pretty awesome. I really do hate the taste of beer though, but in small amounts for the game it wasn't too bad. I love that Linzy and Brian bought the beer pong set at Sheetz. Next year, I'm feeling multiple rounds. haha.
Monday was my birthday. Turned the big 2-2. haha. Sometimes I feel so old, even though everytime I say that, someone wants to whack me in the head. haha. I requested the day off from work and enjoyed the day. Didn't really do much except shop online. I ordered a sweet new bag from It's a cassette shaped bag. I got some other stuff, but I can't honestly remember what I got. I saw this commercial for a colossal cupcake mold for $19.95 ( I really, really want it. haha. There's a free gift of 3D animal cookie cutters which is an added bonus. Though I have a feeling that if I order it, there won't be much use with it. But who knows. It just may be so awesome that I won't be able to contain the awesomeness and will have to bake a cake at least once a month. haha. It's a little ridiculous, but come on. How can you pass it up after seeing the animal cupcakes. haha. I'm totally buying it next paycheck. haha. I'm such a sucker. haha.
After wasting most of the day on the internet, Steve and I went out to eat with my friends, Nikki and Dean. We went to Red Robin (yum). It was delish! Then we all went to Target and perused the aisles. I came home with a brand new tea kettle since mine is rusting, some cake mix, some cookie mix, and a multi-color display alarm clock. My new tea kettle is so cute and green. I decided to get a new alarm clock since I can no longer hear my alarms in the morning. haha.
Tuesday was pretty cool. Slept in until 11, then met Steve for lunch at 12:30. Got my registration renewed on my car (JETTA LOVE!). Then hung out with Nikki at the mall. We picked out a dress outfit for Dean to wear on Thursday to this Croatian dinner that they're attending with family. Then I went with Nikki to her hair appointment in Willoughby. It's a really cute salon! They also act as a gallery by hanging works from local artists up for sale. I think I'm actually going to go back and get my hair done tomorrow. :) (Er, later today.)
I found this really cute bob style cut. It's shorter, which I like. I just don't look good with long hair. My hair is too fine. Once it gets a certain length (like it's at currently) it just knots and tangles and is just a real pain. I know longer hair is supposed to be easier to take care of, but I hate it. haah. I'm also thinking about dying my hair redish brown..... Or maybe just keeping it blonde, but doing some touch ups on the roots. We'll see. I've invited Ana to come with me, because I always need a second opinion. haha. Hopefully she comes with me :)
After Nikki's haircut, it was time for Steve and I to meet up with his parents for my birthday dinner. I wanted to go to the brewery, but Steve wanted to save that for a special ocassion with just us. So, he suggested Capps. It's a homely restaurant in the middle of nowhere, where the food is absolutely delicious, and the portions are large. haha. Steve wanted me to drive the Jetta, so I did. haha. We picked up his parents and began the drive. :) When we got there it was a little chilly inside, and the service was slow due the busy-ness (it's practically the only restaurant in town), but it was still a good meal. I had some salad (which I split with steve), these delicious garlic balls (oh my gosh! so good- one of my favorites), and the spaghetti and meatball special. Steve had a sub, as did his mom, and his dad had some baked ziti. Mmmmmm! I almost got a calzone, but I craved some homemade pasta and meatballs when the waitress announced the specials. The dish brought back memories of eating my favorite meal as a child (Spaghetti and meatballs) at my favorite restaurant back home (Camelot). MMmm!
The festivities began after work on Christmas Eve with a gathering of family friends at our place. We smashed a peppermint pig and recollected fond memories of the year, and popped open some holiday crackers to start some memories for next year. Both of these traditions root from England. Peppermint is supposedly good luck, and the large POP! from the crackers are supposed to ward off evil spirits and bring luck. I wanted to start some family traditions, since I never really had any. haha. So far, the crowd finds the traditions gay and tacky, but I'm determined to keep them going! haha. Maybe one day we will all laugh about how I wanted to start some sort of tradition. OR! Maybe over the years more traditions will just somehow fall into place. (Yes, peppermint pigs and holiday crackers will still be around.)
Our guests stayed until about 11:30PM, playing games and snacking on foods. After the guests departed, The kittens, Steve and I all opened our stockings. The cats got some new toys (Chanel's favorite is a new laser-pointer); Steve got some hot sauce, pop rocks, and some other random desk toys for work; I got a sweet new Betsey Johnson wallet, candy, a decorative owl, and some new Mocha Rose lip balm. I pleaded and begged Steve to open our presents then, but he insisted that we wait until morning. I reluctantly obliged.
The next morning, Steve woke me up at 9AM. I remember my first groggy word was 'PRESENTS?!' all excited, yet still wanting to sleep. We both got some really awesome stuff. Steve got the new season of Robot Chicken, the new Call of Duty game that he wanted, candles from White Barn in his favorite scent, and some manly man stuff (IE: Shaving cream, Shampoo/body wash stuff, and Razors). I got some really awesome books, a night sky projection kit, two owl necklaces, an electronic glass scale, and a couple wii games. After opening gifts I made some hot cocoa and we watched some movies together on Netflix until it was time to go to his parents house.
We went to Steve's parents house around 6:30PM (late of course, due to my sluggish momentum). We opened gifts and ate food. Then some of us played beer pong in the basement. It was my first time ever playing it, and I must say it was pretty awesome. I really do hate the taste of beer though, but in small amounts for the game it wasn't too bad. I love that Linzy and Brian bought the beer pong set at Sheetz. Next year, I'm feeling multiple rounds. haha.
Monday was my birthday. Turned the big 2-2. haha. Sometimes I feel so old, even though everytime I say that, someone wants to whack me in the head. haha. I requested the day off from work and enjoyed the day. Didn't really do much except shop online. I ordered a sweet new bag from It's a cassette shaped bag. I got some other stuff, but I can't honestly remember what I got. I saw this commercial for a colossal cupcake mold for $19.95 ( I really, really want it. haha. There's a free gift of 3D animal cookie cutters which is an added bonus. Though I have a feeling that if I order it, there won't be much use with it. But who knows. It just may be so awesome that I won't be able to contain the awesomeness and will have to bake a cake at least once a month. haha. It's a little ridiculous, but come on. How can you pass it up after seeing the animal cupcakes. haha. I'm totally buying it next paycheck. haha. I'm such a sucker. haha.
After wasting most of the day on the internet, Steve and I went out to eat with my friends, Nikki and Dean. We went to Red Robin (yum). It was delish! Then we all went to Target and perused the aisles. I came home with a brand new tea kettle since mine is rusting, some cake mix, some cookie mix, and a multi-color display alarm clock. My new tea kettle is so cute and green. I decided to get a new alarm clock since I can no longer hear my alarms in the morning. haha.
Tuesday was pretty cool. Slept in until 11, then met Steve for lunch at 12:30. Got my registration renewed on my car (JETTA LOVE!). Then hung out with Nikki at the mall. We picked out a dress outfit for Dean to wear on Thursday to this Croatian dinner that they're attending with family. Then I went with Nikki to her hair appointment in Willoughby. It's a really cute salon! They also act as a gallery by hanging works from local artists up for sale. I think I'm actually going to go back and get my hair done tomorrow. :) (Er, later today.)
I found this really cute bob style cut. It's shorter, which I like. I just don't look good with long hair. My hair is too fine. Once it gets a certain length (like it's at currently) it just knots and tangles and is just a real pain. I know longer hair is supposed to be easier to take care of, but I hate it. haah. I'm also thinking about dying my hair redish brown..... Or maybe just keeping it blonde, but doing some touch ups on the roots. We'll see. I've invited Ana to come with me, because I always need a second opinion. haha. Hopefully she comes with me :)
After Nikki's haircut, it was time for Steve and I to meet up with his parents for my birthday dinner. I wanted to go to the brewery, but Steve wanted to save that for a special ocassion with just us. So, he suggested Capps. It's a homely restaurant in the middle of nowhere, where the food is absolutely delicious, and the portions are large. haha. Steve wanted me to drive the Jetta, so I did. haha. We picked up his parents and began the drive. :) When we got there it was a little chilly inside, and the service was slow due the busy-ness (it's practically the only restaurant in town), but it was still a good meal. I had some salad (which I split with steve), these delicious garlic balls (oh my gosh! so good- one of my favorites), and the spaghetti and meatball special. Steve had a sub, as did his mom, and his dad had some baked ziti. Mmmmmm! I almost got a calzone, but I craved some homemade pasta and meatballs when the waitress announced the specials. The dish brought back memories of eating my favorite meal as a child (Spaghetti and meatballs) at my favorite restaurant back home (Camelot). MMmm!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Ah! So finals week is here! I don't believe that I have classes on Monday! I have to spend this day painting. haha. I have two 75% completed paintings and one 25% completed painting that are all due Thursday. Tuesday morning is my first final (animal biology)and I'm a little worried. hah. I hate the format of the tests that she has given out this semester, and I imagine that the final will be no different. Boo. Wednesday I have two finals, economics and social psychology. Thursday I have two finals, painting and color photography, but I'm pretty sure those won't be hard at all. I'm glad that I already had one final already (health fitness). I aced it :). Only missed 2 questions! Go me. haha. I'm so happy for this semester to end. Never again will I take this many classes. Stupid, stupid girl. haha. Damn you, over-achievement! BUT! There is good news for all my obsessiveness with taking as many classes as I can... I may get my Associate's Degree next semester! WOOT! I was checking everything out this evening (because I can't sleep), and I only need to take 2 more classes. YAYYYYYY. :)
I also figured out which college I want to transfer to, and finally what I want to do career wise. :) I want to go to Ursuline College (roughly 30 minutes away from my house) for art therapy and counseling. Their art therapy program is an undergraduate program, so first i have to get my bachelors in art. I can't do that at my current school, so I will complete that there. I also talked to a graduate from their program/retired art therapist in my painting class. She told me wonderful things about the program, and how Cleveland is a great area for art therapy. That is relieving, because I was beginning to think that there was no hope for me in the art world. That I might have to switch gears to something more practical to get a job. I'm really excited though. And I'm happy that I've finally made a decision. I was beginning to worry that I may never figure it out. I want to schedule an appointment to tour the school and talk to a counselor before I apply just to make sure that it's what I want and to take a look around. The only thing that intimidates me is the price. It's a little bit pricey, and I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to afford it. I'm hoping for financial aid. :) If not, I guess there are always different loans to take out. haha.
I think next semester I'm going to take 4 classes. A psychology class based on human behavior, a physical science, painting 2 (I really enjoyed painting 1), and I'm debating between comparative religion or commercial photography. I'm feeling comparative religion. OH! Or I could take a jewelry making class :). (haha. I think this is why I always get stuck taking like 5 or 6 classes, because I can never narrow it down to 4.) I hear that the jewelry class is crazy expensive though.. so I may just stick with comparative religion. I know the professor, and he's awesome. I've been meaning to stop by his office and chat with him. Things have been crazy lately and I haven't found the time to stop by.
Ok, so I just realized that it's 2am and I have work in 6 hours. haha. FML. haha. I shouldn't have drank that coffee at 10pm. Off to sleep, I say!
I also figured out which college I want to transfer to, and finally what I want to do career wise. :) I want to go to Ursuline College (roughly 30 minutes away from my house) for art therapy and counseling. Their art therapy program is an undergraduate program, so first i have to get my bachelors in art. I can't do that at my current school, so I will complete that there. I also talked to a graduate from their program/retired art therapist in my painting class. She told me wonderful things about the program, and how Cleveland is a great area for art therapy. That is relieving, because I was beginning to think that there was no hope for me in the art world. That I might have to switch gears to something more practical to get a job. I'm really excited though. And I'm happy that I've finally made a decision. I was beginning to worry that I may never figure it out. I want to schedule an appointment to tour the school and talk to a counselor before I apply just to make sure that it's what I want and to take a look around. The only thing that intimidates me is the price. It's a little bit pricey, and I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to afford it. I'm hoping for financial aid. :) If not, I guess there are always different loans to take out. haha.
I think next semester I'm going to take 4 classes. A psychology class based on human behavior, a physical science, painting 2 (I really enjoyed painting 1), and I'm debating between comparative religion or commercial photography. I'm feeling comparative religion. OH! Or I could take a jewelry making class :). (haha. I think this is why I always get stuck taking like 5 or 6 classes, because I can never narrow it down to 4.) I hear that the jewelry class is crazy expensive though.. so I may just stick with comparative religion. I know the professor, and he's awesome. I've been meaning to stop by his office and chat with him. Things have been crazy lately and I haven't found the time to stop by.
Ok, so I just realized that it's 2am and I have work in 6 hours. haha. FML. haha. I shouldn't have drank that coffee at 10pm. Off to sleep, I say!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Let the games begin!
Ah! The calm before the storm! haha. Monday marks start of the crazy period: the end of the semester. Papers, finals, presentations, paintings, critiques, and stress! YAY. I'm pumped! (sarcasm) It's crazy. This semester has gone by so quickly, but I can't wait for it to be over. haha.
The last 4 weeks have been pretty nice. I've enjoyed having the extra time (from not working)to catch up on things. I've been watching a lot of Netflick movies. Some good, a lot of mediocre, and some bad. But still, I do love movies. What gets me is that I still seem to not have enough time in the day (maybe there would be more time if I stopped watching so many movies, eh?)! haha. There's really no excuse for not getting things done because... well, I don't have a job! (The photolab job doesn't count because its only 6 hours a week.) Although I haven't gotten much checked of my numerous lists, I have been having some good times and spending some quality time with Stephen <3!
Last Saturday was the opening the France exhibit at school. It was really nice to see everyone again and reacquaint. The professors that led the class created a really great video for all of us. It has the best shots from all the students on it, the prints shown in the gallery (they only chose the 20 best images), candid shots, video of the Rouen light show, video of the Mozart concert I saw inside the Notre Dame cathedral, and some other random video clips captured by Frank (one of the professors). We haven't gotten the final DVD yet (Frank had some final touches to add), but I'm excited for it! I'm hoping Frank might let me borrow a disc to bring home on Thanksgiving break to show my family.
Tuesday of this week was an exciting day! It was filled to the brim with fun. haha. It started off bright and early at 7:15 am when i had to get ready for my Animal Biology class. I got on the road to pick up a classmate at 7:45 am and we headed to the Metro Farmpark in Kirtland. It was a pretty interesting place! I had been there once before with Steve during the summer for a craft festival that they have every year, but this time it was all in the name of animals! haah.

The first stop we made was the dairy section, were we saw 4 cows and a baby calf. The calf was sooooo cute. I was petting her when she thought that I had some food, so she started nibbling and sucking on my arm. It was the most awkward feeling! Cows only have teeth on the bottom, but because the calf was only a month old, it didn't even have those developed. So it was like having a slimy-wet, gummy, mush sucking on my arm. It was gross. I laughed pretty hard though. The older cows were cute. They were mainly concerned with eating hay and drinking their water. We then learned how to make cheese from milk. We weren't allowed to taste it, as Ohio has laws against consuming products that aren't pasteurized/homogenized, but it was still an interesting process to watch nonetheless. Next we saw some pigs, sheep, goats (baby goats too!), llamas, alpacas, chickens, horses, turkey, and rabbits. I also saw this cute little cat that was basking in the sun. She loved getting petted. Then Rachel (a classmate) and I went to Chipotle for some lunch. It was deeeeelicious.
Later I met up with Nikki (another classmate) and her boyfriend Dean to go up to the Cleveland Art Museum. We went to see the Gauguin exhibit that is there. It was pretty sweet. I had two favorite parts: the contemporary gallery anddddddd (drumroll please.....) the Childrens area! haha. The Childrens area was awesome because it had mini stations with activities. There was a station with a special molding clay that never dries out, which allows you to constantly change the form and mold it into something new. There were others with colored paper and like 20 different stamps of miniature Gauguin paintings. It was cool. :) I definitely want to go back before the exhibit closes because we went a little later in the day and didn't have a whole lot of time to spend with the work. Hopefully next time I'll get there earlier and have more time to spend gazing at the work. It was pretty awesome. I remember seeing some of the paintings in France... but by that point I was like 'yeah, yeah. Museums and paintings, museums and paintings.' Then I would actually visit the place in the painting and I just didn't correlate the two together. Seeing them again really allowed me to have that 'AH HA!' moment where it finally clicked. It was a really cool experience.
This week should be pretty exciting too! TURKEY TIMEEEEE! haah. Man, I love homemade mashed potatoes and gravy. Mm, mm, mm. :) I get to drive back home and see my family and eat my mom's cooking. Oh buoy! It'll be cool to see my brother too. :) Then Steve and I will come back home and visit his family. Probably play some games, have some laughs. Ah. Family. :)
I also start my new job at the World Market in Mayfield. That'll be fun. I hear its pretty dirty and the people aren't helpful as they should be... so all in all should be a good time! haha. I'm hoping that it won't be as bad as what people have told me, but I can't wait for the income! Whoohoo! haah.
OH! I almost forgot! (I know I can go back and edit, but that's no fun. haha) I got 3 shots into the France exhibit at school. I also finished a painting that I could like! haha. It's a painting of an old worn jean shirt. My professor has a thing for jean shirts, and just can bear the thought of throwing away a perfectly good jean shirt. He's a funny character. Makes me giggle. :) I think I may take his other painting class next semester. :) Currently I'm working on a few paintings... ones with multiple purses in different angles and hands reaching for them, another is a warm, fresh from the oven chocolate chip cookie being separated down the middle (you'll be able to smell it when I'm done), and the last one is a mermaid in the ocean with seaweed. The colors of the mermaid painting are going to replicate the ones used in some fauvist paintings. I'm excited to see them all finished.
After painting today, Irene and I went out for a late linner (the lunch that's really close to dinnertime) and then went shopping at a party supply store, target, and pat catan's. We even went sniffing around Ulta for some appealing scents. I was sniffing around for some ideas for xmas colognes for Stevie and to see if I remembered which perfume I liked correctly. haha.
The last 4 weeks have been pretty nice. I've enjoyed having the extra time (from not working)to catch up on things. I've been watching a lot of Netflick movies. Some good, a lot of mediocre, and some bad. But still, I do love movies. What gets me is that I still seem to not have enough time in the day (maybe there would be more time if I stopped watching so many movies, eh?)! haha. There's really no excuse for not getting things done because... well, I don't have a job! (The photolab job doesn't count because its only 6 hours a week.) Although I haven't gotten much checked of my numerous lists, I have been having some good times and spending some quality time with Stephen <3!
Last Saturday was the opening the France exhibit at school. It was really nice to see everyone again and reacquaint. The professors that led the class created a really great video for all of us. It has the best shots from all the students on it, the prints shown in the gallery (they only chose the 20 best images), candid shots, video of the Rouen light show, video of the Mozart concert I saw inside the Notre Dame cathedral, and some other random video clips captured by Frank (one of the professors). We haven't gotten the final DVD yet (Frank had some final touches to add), but I'm excited for it! I'm hoping Frank might let me borrow a disc to bring home on Thanksgiving break to show my family.
Tuesday of this week was an exciting day! It was filled to the brim with fun. haha. It started off bright and early at 7:15 am when i had to get ready for my Animal Biology class. I got on the road to pick up a classmate at 7:45 am and we headed to the Metro Farmpark in Kirtland. It was a pretty interesting place! I had been there once before with Steve during the summer for a craft festival that they have every year, but this time it was all in the name of animals! haah.

The first stop we made was the dairy section, were we saw 4 cows and a baby calf. The calf was sooooo cute. I was petting her when she thought that I had some food, so she started nibbling and sucking on my arm. It was the most awkward feeling! Cows only have teeth on the bottom, but because the calf was only a month old, it didn't even have those developed. So it was like having a slimy-wet, gummy, mush sucking on my arm. It was gross. I laughed pretty hard though. The older cows were cute. They were mainly concerned with eating hay and drinking their water. We then learned how to make cheese from milk. We weren't allowed to taste it, as Ohio has laws against consuming products that aren't pasteurized/homogenized, but it was still an interesting process to watch nonetheless. Next we saw some pigs, sheep, goats (baby goats too!), llamas, alpacas, chickens, horses, turkey, and rabbits. I also saw this cute little cat that was basking in the sun. She loved getting petted. Then Rachel (a classmate) and I went to Chipotle for some lunch. It was deeeeelicious.
Later I met up with Nikki (another classmate) and her boyfriend Dean to go up to the Cleveland Art Museum. We went to see the Gauguin exhibit that is there. It was pretty sweet. I had two favorite parts: the contemporary gallery anddddddd (drumroll please.....) the Childrens area! haha. The Childrens area was awesome because it had mini stations with activities. There was a station with a special molding clay that never dries out, which allows you to constantly change the form and mold it into something new. There were others with colored paper and like 20 different stamps of miniature Gauguin paintings. It was cool. :) I definitely want to go back before the exhibit closes because we went a little later in the day and didn't have a whole lot of time to spend with the work. Hopefully next time I'll get there earlier and have more time to spend gazing at the work. It was pretty awesome. I remember seeing some of the paintings in France... but by that point I was like 'yeah, yeah. Museums and paintings, museums and paintings.' Then I would actually visit the place in the painting and I just didn't correlate the two together. Seeing them again really allowed me to have that 'AH HA!' moment where it finally clicked. It was a really cool experience.
This week should be pretty exciting too! TURKEY TIMEEEEE! haah. Man, I love homemade mashed potatoes and gravy. Mm, mm, mm. :) I get to drive back home and see my family and eat my mom's cooking. Oh buoy! It'll be cool to see my brother too. :) Then Steve and I will come back home and visit his family. Probably play some games, have some laughs. Ah. Family. :)
I also start my new job at the World Market in Mayfield. That'll be fun. I hear its pretty dirty and the people aren't helpful as they should be... so all in all should be a good time! haha. I'm hoping that it won't be as bad as what people have told me, but I can't wait for the income! Whoohoo! haah.
OH! I almost forgot! (I know I can go back and edit, but that's no fun. haha) I got 3 shots into the France exhibit at school. I also finished a painting that I could like! haha. It's a painting of an old worn jean shirt. My professor has a thing for jean shirts, and just can bear the thought of throwing away a perfectly good jean shirt. He's a funny character. Makes me giggle. :) I think I may take his other painting class next semester. :) Currently I'm working on a few paintings... ones with multiple purses in different angles and hands reaching for them, another is a warm, fresh from the oven chocolate chip cookie being separated down the middle (you'll be able to smell it when I'm done), and the last one is a mermaid in the ocean with seaweed. The colors of the mermaid painting are going to replicate the ones used in some fauvist paintings. I'm excited to see them all finished.
After painting today, Irene and I went out for a late linner (the lunch that's really close to dinnertime) and then went shopping at a party supply store, target, and pat catan's. We even went sniffing around Ulta for some appealing scents. I was sniffing around for some ideas for xmas colognes for Stevie and to see if I remembered which perfume I liked correctly. haha.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Have you ever wondered what things would be like if you didn't exist? How do YOU make a difference in this vast world. What about if you were gone tomorrow?
I know this may seem strange, but lately I've been wondering about it. I'm curious to know how peoples' lives would (or wouldn't) change without my existence. Would people be happy or sad? Would they feel like something was missing? Or would it just be something that they couldn't place. I mean, after all. They would have never met me, known about me, and I'm pretty sure their lives wouldn't be affected.
But what about right now? If I were to disappear, who would truly care? (Besides the obvious) Sometimes it seems as if I'm invisible to people, or that no one would even notice if I were gone. Such as working in the photo lab. I know it's just a job, but people don't even say hello! They walk in and out, right beside me, and not even acknowledge my presence. Even when I say hello to them, they don't respond. It's much like the customers walking through the doors of World Market... And you know that they hear you, they just for whatever reason (may it be them being in their own world, they just didn't hear you, or them just being a jackass) they chose not to respond.
Oh well. Who knows. Who cares, right? (I do...)
I know this may seem strange, but lately I've been wondering about it. I'm curious to know how peoples' lives would (or wouldn't) change without my existence. Would people be happy or sad? Would they feel like something was missing? Or would it just be something that they couldn't place. I mean, after all. They would have never met me, known about me, and I'm pretty sure their lives wouldn't be affected.
But what about right now? If I were to disappear, who would truly care? (Besides the obvious) Sometimes it seems as if I'm invisible to people, or that no one would even notice if I were gone. Such as working in the photo lab. I know it's just a job, but people don't even say hello! They walk in and out, right beside me, and not even acknowledge my presence. Even when I say hello to them, they don't respond. It's much like the customers walking through the doors of World Market... And you know that they hear you, they just for whatever reason (may it be them being in their own world, they just didn't hear you, or them just being a jackass) they chose not to respond.
Oh well. Who knows. Who cares, right? (I do...)
Sunday, October 11, 2009
I'm a little unsure of what to think, but I know and understand that it is my own fault. I shouldn't have done what I did, but I was curious. I regret it and am disappointed by it. It hurts and probably will for awhile. After all, I really believed we were friends. Only time will tell if the damage done can heal itself, but I doubt the relationship will ever completely be the same. I thought I knew you better, but I was gravely mistaken. Turns out that you are just like the rest. I had high hopes that things would be different between us. But then again, I shouldn't have had high expectations. It only leads to disappointment. Only time can tell...
Anyway, I have a terrible headache right now. Charlie is here to comfort me.
I picked up a new CD the other day by a group called The Books. I had never heard them before until Frank at the photo-lab was in his office listening to them. I made a cup of tea and stood in his doorway to listen to a song. They're an experimental indie rock group. I enjoy their mellow edge. The words they picked to speak in their songs are chosen perfectly.
I drove to North Olmsted the other day to work at the World Market out there for the day. It's about 45 minutes to an hour away. I'm not fond of highway driving, but it was pretty easy to navigate. The store itself I had trouble finding, but eventually I did. It's an adorable store and the staff is wonderful. I did get lost on the way home, but I got there. I was a bit (understatement) upset. I hate getting lost by myself. Add in a fast-paced highway, cars speeding well above the speed limit, rain, shitty windshield wipers, cars cutting you off, and Mac trucks on either side of your vehicle. haha. It was a bit nerve racking. I suppose its strange to have those fears, but I don't want to get into an accident. One is enough. Overall, it was a very pleasant day. It was very different from what I'm accustomed to as of lately. They actually have product to sell, and the customers were really nice!
Speaking of my store, our final day is October 24th. Well, the last day open to the general public. The last two weeks after the 24th will be spent cleaning the store. All my coworkers invited me out to the bar that night for a final good-bye, World Market style. After all, a dollar more, holler more! haha.
Man. My head is pounding and my eyes are heavy. The pain is interrupting my thoughts. Hypnos is calling my name. I think I will visit him...
Anyway, I have a terrible headache right now. Charlie is here to comfort me.
I picked up a new CD the other day by a group called The Books. I had never heard them before until Frank at the photo-lab was in his office listening to them. I made a cup of tea and stood in his doorway to listen to a song. They're an experimental indie rock group. I enjoy their mellow edge. The words they picked to speak in their songs are chosen perfectly.
I drove to North Olmsted the other day to work at the World Market out there for the day. It's about 45 minutes to an hour away. I'm not fond of highway driving, but it was pretty easy to navigate. The store itself I had trouble finding, but eventually I did. It's an adorable store and the staff is wonderful. I did get lost on the way home, but I got there. I was a bit (understatement) upset. I hate getting lost by myself. Add in a fast-paced highway, cars speeding well above the speed limit, rain, shitty windshield wipers, cars cutting you off, and Mac trucks on either side of your vehicle. haha. It was a bit nerve racking. I suppose its strange to have those fears, but I don't want to get into an accident. One is enough. Overall, it was a very pleasant day. It was very different from what I'm accustomed to as of lately. They actually have product to sell, and the customers were really nice!
Speaking of my store, our final day is October 24th. Well, the last day open to the general public. The last two weeks after the 24th will be spent cleaning the store. All my coworkers invited me out to the bar that night for a final good-bye, World Market style. After all, a dollar more, holler more! haha.
Man. My head is pounding and my eyes are heavy. The pain is interrupting my thoughts. Hypnos is calling my name. I think I will visit him...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Strange Days...
Ah.The past few weeks (actually past month) has been a strange time. I can't say for sure if it has been good or bad... just strange. I don't feel like my normal self. I feel sort of misguided in a way. Only time will tell if something good will come from the current chaos.
I found out a few weeks ago that the store that I'm currently working at will be closing, and therefore, I will lose my job. I lose my vacation time and my health benefits, which is going to suck... but I guess I'll have to manage. I'm a little angry about it, which I'm sure many could empathize with. I'm not angry that I'm losing my job or losing the benefits and all that jazz... I'm angry because it had nothing to do with the economy. The lease ran up, and the mall owner raised the rent because he's being greedy. I've heard rumors that he wants to demolish the whole strip plaza that is currently there and rebuild a new, better mall. At least if it was due to the economy, I could understand better and probably be less angry...
Not only am I upset with the mall owner, but I'm perturbed about why Corporate decided against just relocating to a different (cheaper) location. There are plenty of open store fronts elsewhere, and they would probably get more traffic through the doors. That would in turn produce more sales and more customers. Corporate said that our location was too close to a neighboring store. The problem with saything that is the fact that the neighboring store is in the middle of a different market. It's located in a richer area, where people are more willing to drop a shit ton of money. Corporate believes that our customers are willing and able to drive the extended distance to visit this store. I can guarentee that customers will not do so. They have told me that they will never go there, and have also given me a great deal of grief when I had previously refered them to the neighboring store. Customers that are driving from Jefferson (about 1.5 hours away) are just simply not going to drive an extra half hour to buy merchandise, they just simply won't go. They will find their merchandise elsewhere. I don't think corporate relizes how much business they are going to lose by closing this location completely. Maybe they know what they are doing though. I can only hope because I really do like the merchandise we sold (even though sometimes I didn't always agree with the quality...). Anyway, I shall digress.
Another thing I will miss are the friends I've made since working there. Recently I've come to the conclusion that they may not really be my friends. They've been saying some pretty hurtful things to me. They say that it's something that I need to hear, I say that its hurtful and is really unnecissary. I realize that they may be stressed out with the fact of their unknown future fate, but we're all in the same boat. We are all freaking out because we simply don't know what our future holds. We all have no idea if we will be able to pay our bills. We all have to deal with idiotic customers that are oblivious to our feelings and our welfare. That is the joy of working in retail. YOU have to deal with assholes for a living. You get paid shit and you get treated like shit. The perk of this is, that due to having to deal with all that stress, the turnover rate is high... which means that you'll probably be able to find a job pretty quickly with the amount of experience that we all have. I'm confident that we will all be ok in the long run. It's just a temporary set back.
So on top of that stress, I'm taking 6 classes (which I've listed in my previous blog), and I recently bought a new car. It's the coolest car ever. 2001 Volkswagon Jetta. I've always wanted a Jetta since before I could drive. haha. It's been one of my dream cars for awhile. And now I have one! I'm so lucky! I'm learning to drive it because it's a stick shift, and I've never driven a stick. haha. It's an interesting journey. I'm not as scared of traffic as I was when I first started. I can actually go the speed limit! I've been doing pretty well at not stalling out at lights or burning out at stop signs! Yay for me! I think I shall name her Lucy. haha. Everytime I get in the car, 'Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds' is one of the first few songs that she plays (even on the Ipod).
Mike and Irene also temporarily moved in with us until they can find a house. It's nice to have the extra company; people to laugh with and laugh about random things. I've also been enjoying Irene's cooking. She makes me a special plate to eat when I get home. I will miss that when they leave. It'd be cool if we found like a two story house where we'd all live. haha. It would be fun! I'm sure the boys may not like the idea, since they've mostly lived with each other their whole life. I can respect that, but still. It'd be cool. haha. I just hope that when they do find their new home, that we will see each other as often. It's pleasant.
I found out a few weeks ago that the store that I'm currently working at will be closing, and therefore, I will lose my job. I lose my vacation time and my health benefits, which is going to suck... but I guess I'll have to manage. I'm a little angry about it, which I'm sure many could empathize with. I'm not angry that I'm losing my job or losing the benefits and all that jazz... I'm angry because it had nothing to do with the economy. The lease ran up, and the mall owner raised the rent because he's being greedy. I've heard rumors that he wants to demolish the whole strip plaza that is currently there and rebuild a new, better mall. At least if it was due to the economy, I could understand better and probably be less angry...
Not only am I upset with the mall owner, but I'm perturbed about why Corporate decided against just relocating to a different (cheaper) location. There are plenty of open store fronts elsewhere, and they would probably get more traffic through the doors. That would in turn produce more sales and more customers. Corporate said that our location was too close to a neighboring store. The problem with saything that is the fact that the neighboring store is in the middle of a different market. It's located in a richer area, where people are more willing to drop a shit ton of money. Corporate believes that our customers are willing and able to drive the extended distance to visit this store. I can guarentee that customers will not do so. They have told me that they will never go there, and have also given me a great deal of grief when I had previously refered them to the neighboring store. Customers that are driving from Jefferson (about 1.5 hours away) are just simply not going to drive an extra half hour to buy merchandise, they just simply won't go. They will find their merchandise elsewhere. I don't think corporate relizes how much business they are going to lose by closing this location completely. Maybe they know what they are doing though. I can only hope because I really do like the merchandise we sold (even though sometimes I didn't always agree with the quality...). Anyway, I shall digress.
Another thing I will miss are the friends I've made since working there. Recently I've come to the conclusion that they may not really be my friends. They've been saying some pretty hurtful things to me. They say that it's something that I need to hear, I say that its hurtful and is really unnecissary. I realize that they may be stressed out with the fact of their unknown future fate, but we're all in the same boat. We are all freaking out because we simply don't know what our future holds. We all have no idea if we will be able to pay our bills. We all have to deal with idiotic customers that are oblivious to our feelings and our welfare. That is the joy of working in retail. YOU have to deal with assholes for a living. You get paid shit and you get treated like shit. The perk of this is, that due to having to deal with all that stress, the turnover rate is high... which means that you'll probably be able to find a job pretty quickly with the amount of experience that we all have. I'm confident that we will all be ok in the long run. It's just a temporary set back.
So on top of that stress, I'm taking 6 classes (which I've listed in my previous blog), and I recently bought a new car. It's the coolest car ever. 2001 Volkswagon Jetta. I've always wanted a Jetta since before I could drive. haha. It's been one of my dream cars for awhile. And now I have one! I'm so lucky! I'm learning to drive it because it's a stick shift, and I've never driven a stick. haha. It's an interesting journey. I'm not as scared of traffic as I was when I first started. I can actually go the speed limit! I've been doing pretty well at not stalling out at lights or burning out at stop signs! Yay for me! I think I shall name her Lucy. haha. Everytime I get in the car, 'Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds' is one of the first few songs that she plays (even on the Ipod).
Mike and Irene also temporarily moved in with us until they can find a house. It's nice to have the extra company; people to laugh with and laugh about random things. I've also been enjoying Irene's cooking. She makes me a special plate to eat when I get home. I will miss that when they leave. It'd be cool if we found like a two story house where we'd all live. haha. It would be fun! I'm sure the boys may not like the idea, since they've mostly lived with each other their whole life. I can respect that, but still. It'd be cool. haha. I just hope that when they do find their new home, that we will see each other as often. It's pleasant.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Ah. I've been enjoying the past few days. I requested them off of work. Hadn't had anything to do except everything! haha. I decided to not care, and just seize the moment. It all started Friday night.
Earlier in the week, my fellow coworkers and I were discussing a much needed party night before the start of school. We couldn't figure out why we hadn't done such things before, since we all are friends and get along pretty well. We decided to have one soon. Friday. :)
After work the 5 of us met up at Frank and Tony's. Two of them had been there for a few hours. (They wanted to get a head start and also reserve a table.) It was the first time I had actually gotten a table at this bar. It was lovely. The waitress had gotten us a drink order, then we didn't see her again for 45 minutes. We noticed that our buzz was slowly declining the longer we waited for a drink, so we got pro-active about it... 4 shots at a time. haah.
Eventually we decided that we needed a walk, so we walked down to a different bar (probably my favorite one), 1899. We had a shot there and went back to Frank and Tony's. During the walk back, I announced that I really wished Steve had come out to join us. We went in, grabbed our table again, and got some more drinks. Then randomly I look up and got excited. Steve was there! I guess he had been there earlier, just didn't see us. Perfect timing. I can't remember what all we talked about, but the conversation was filled with laughter. The bar closed and we all piled into Steve's car and headed to Sheetz. We had to go there because they have awesome food and my coworker had never been there before. Then we went back to the bars' parking lot and shot the breeze while eating our food. I chased a possum who was on the top of a fence. I thought it was a kitten and wanted to pet him. It didn't happen.. haha.. but it was fun talking to him. He was a very kind animal. We hung out until about 4 am. Quotes from the evening: Click, click, boom; Come, come my lady, Sugar, butterfly, baby. haha.
Steve and I woke up around 8 to go get our books at school. Then we met Vladi for breakfast at IHOP. He met us at our place to meet Chanel. She reminded him of his cats when they were younger. They're so big now! I wish that I could freeze Chanels growth. haha. I love my little baby cat. No matter how big she gets though, she'll still be my baby cat. Later that day we went to Greg and Kathleen's anniversary party. It was fun. Met some new people and talked to friends. We played hillbilly golf and later I beat up Steve. Well, tried. haha. I was trying to tackle him. I got my bull horns on (complete with a french mustache) and ran at him. He didn't move, I fell to the ground. haha. Good times.
Woke up at 2pm today. Went to the gym with Steve and then went school shopping for last minute items Steve needed. Came home and watched a really good movie. Phoebe in Wonderland. I really recommend you watching it.
Now in the early hours of the morning, I'm sitting in my adirondack chair outside listening to the sounds of the night. Crickets, the waterfall from across the street, and some chirping thing in the trees. I don't think it's a bird, but who knows. It may be a bat. I'm admiring the stars and the sky. It's a perfect sky. A slight view of the clouds with sparkles through it. Parts are clear. It's beautiful. I don't even mind the hum of our pop machine in the garage. It almost adds to the calmness. There's a slight breeze. I just love the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves. I also love the sound of my fish wind chime. Its pretty perfect. It doesn't overcome the rest of the night sounds...
I start class tomorrow. So now, my friends, I shall sleep. I think I should take a few days off more often.
Earlier in the week, my fellow coworkers and I were discussing a much needed party night before the start of school. We couldn't figure out why we hadn't done such things before, since we all are friends and get along pretty well. We decided to have one soon. Friday. :)
After work the 5 of us met up at Frank and Tony's. Two of them had been there for a few hours. (They wanted to get a head start and also reserve a table.) It was the first time I had actually gotten a table at this bar. It was lovely. The waitress had gotten us a drink order, then we didn't see her again for 45 minutes. We noticed that our buzz was slowly declining the longer we waited for a drink, so we got pro-active about it... 4 shots at a time. haah.
Eventually we decided that we needed a walk, so we walked down to a different bar (probably my favorite one), 1899. We had a shot there and went back to Frank and Tony's. During the walk back, I announced that I really wished Steve had come out to join us. We went in, grabbed our table again, and got some more drinks. Then randomly I look up and got excited. Steve was there! I guess he had been there earlier, just didn't see us. Perfect timing. I can't remember what all we talked about, but the conversation was filled with laughter. The bar closed and we all piled into Steve's car and headed to Sheetz. We had to go there because they have awesome food and my coworker had never been there before. Then we went back to the bars' parking lot and shot the breeze while eating our food. I chased a possum who was on the top of a fence. I thought it was a kitten and wanted to pet him. It didn't happen.. haha.. but it was fun talking to him. He was a very kind animal. We hung out until about 4 am. Quotes from the evening: Click, click, boom; Come, come my lady, Sugar, butterfly, baby. haha.
Steve and I woke up around 8 to go get our books at school. Then we met Vladi for breakfast at IHOP. He met us at our place to meet Chanel. She reminded him of his cats when they were younger. They're so big now! I wish that I could freeze Chanels growth. haha. I love my little baby cat. No matter how big she gets though, she'll still be my baby cat. Later that day we went to Greg and Kathleen's anniversary party. It was fun. Met some new people and talked to friends. We played hillbilly golf and later I beat up Steve. Well, tried. haha. I was trying to tackle him. I got my bull horns on (complete with a french mustache) and ran at him. He didn't move, I fell to the ground. haha. Good times.
Woke up at 2pm today. Went to the gym with Steve and then went school shopping for last minute items Steve needed. Came home and watched a really good movie. Phoebe in Wonderland. I really recommend you watching it.
Now in the early hours of the morning, I'm sitting in my adirondack chair outside listening to the sounds of the night. Crickets, the waterfall from across the street, and some chirping thing in the trees. I don't think it's a bird, but who knows. It may be a bat. I'm admiring the stars and the sky. It's a perfect sky. A slight view of the clouds with sparkles through it. Parts are clear. It's beautiful. I don't even mind the hum of our pop machine in the garage. It almost adds to the calmness. There's a slight breeze. I just love the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves. I also love the sound of my fish wind chime. Its pretty perfect. It doesn't overcome the rest of the night sounds...
I start class tomorrow. So now, my friends, I shall sleep. I think I should take a few days off more often.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Hot Hot Heat...
Gosh. I really don't like the mugginess of summer. The past two days have been horrible. At least yesterday I was at work for most of the day, and then took a quick dip in the Lake with a friend. It was a good visit. Hadn't seen her in awhile. It always fascinates me how we can always just pick things up where they left off, no matter how much time has passed in between our visits. It's going to be harder to see each other soon, for I have a busy upcoming semester. Hopefully I will survive with everything in tact...
Today, though, was supposed to be different. It was supposed to be a wake-up-early-and-go-get-active day with Irene also in attendance. Yeah, the only action I got was extra sleep and moving my thumbs on the X-box controller. I'm not sure whats up with me lately, I just don't want to get up. Maybe it's the heat or lack of motivation. Maybe even a combination of both. I feel that I let things go too easily. I always say instead of do. When push comes to shove, I never admit to myself that I could actually do what I say instead of just shrugging it off....
SO! From this point on, I'm going to go get 'em Tiger:
-I will not be hard on myself when things don't go as planned.
-I will stay positive.
-I will do what I say.
-I will not complain about doing so.
-I will not be self-defeating.
-I will do my best.
-I will!
I will do all this while maintaining my sanity! (And hopefully love and friendships too. I'd hate to loose either.) I just hope that people will be patient with me, and realize that I am going to have a LOT, I mean... A LOT... going on. 6 classes and 2 jobs. I'm not sure about the two jobs though. I hope to have 2 jobs. Although I know it will be hard (that's what she said), I look forward to the challenge. I'm excited to start classes...
My fall classes:
Economics, Sociology, Health Fitness, Animal Biology, Painting, and Color Photography.
My Ideal Fall Schedule: (Tenative)
Sunday: 11am -8pm World Market
Monday: 9:30am -10:45 am Economics
11am- 12:15pm Lunch/Study Time
12:30pm -1:45pm Sociology
2pm-3:10pm Health Fitness
3:10pm -4:45pm Dinner/Study Time
5pm -10pm World Market
Tuesday: 9am- 11:50am Animal Biology
12pm -1:30pm Lunch/Study Time
1:30pm -4:10pm Painting
4:15pm -4:45pm Dinner Time
5pm -10pm World Market
Wednesday: 9:30am -10:45 am Economics
11am- 12:15pm Lunch/Study Time
12:30pm -1:45pm Sociology
2pm-3:10pm Health Fitness
3:10pm -4:45pm Dinner/Study Time
5pm -10pm World Market
Thursday: 9am- 11:50am Animal Biology
12pm -1:30pm Lunch/Study Time
1:30pm -4:10pm Painting
4:15pm -6pm Dinner Time/ Study Time / Work at the Photolab
6pm -10pm Color Photography
Friday: NICODAY! My day to do things around the house. Maybe hanging out with Irene (if she's not working). Cooking a nice meal for Stevie. We could have family over and make it a party or we could just chillax. Cuddle and a movie! :) Could work during the day if needed.
Saturday:Split day between Photolab and World Market
I hope that this works out and everyone will be happy. :)
TO DO (Before School)
-Organize Hall Closet
-Clean off Dresser
-Clean Room/Organize room
-Clean Bathroom
-Clean Kitchen
Today, though, was supposed to be different. It was supposed to be a wake-up-early-and-go-get-active day with Irene also in attendance. Yeah, the only action I got was extra sleep and moving my thumbs on the X-box controller. I'm not sure whats up with me lately, I just don't want to get up. Maybe it's the heat or lack of motivation. Maybe even a combination of both. I feel that I let things go too easily. I always say instead of do. When push comes to shove, I never admit to myself that I could actually do what I say instead of just shrugging it off....
SO! From this point on, I'm going to go get 'em Tiger:
-I will not be hard on myself when things don't go as planned.
-I will stay positive.
-I will do what I say.
-I will not complain about doing so.
-I will not be self-defeating.
-I will do my best.
-I will!
I will do all this while maintaining my sanity! (And hopefully love and friendships too. I'd hate to loose either.) I just hope that people will be patient with me, and realize that I am going to have a LOT, I mean... A LOT... going on. 6 classes and 2 jobs. I'm not sure about the two jobs though. I hope to have 2 jobs. Although I know it will be hard (that's what she said), I look forward to the challenge. I'm excited to start classes...
My fall classes:
Economics, Sociology, Health Fitness, Animal Biology, Painting, and Color Photography.
My Ideal Fall Schedule: (Tenative)
Sunday: 11am -8pm World Market
Monday: 9:30am -10:45 am Economics
11am- 12:15pm Lunch/Study Time
12:30pm -1:45pm Sociology
2pm-3:10pm Health Fitness
3:10pm -4:45pm Dinner/Study Time
5pm -10pm World Market
Tuesday: 9am- 11:50am Animal Biology
12pm -1:30pm Lunch/Study Time
1:30pm -4:10pm Painting
4:15pm -4:45pm Dinner Time
5pm -10pm World Market
Wednesday: 9:30am -10:45 am Economics
11am- 12:15pm Lunch/Study Time
12:30pm -1:45pm Sociology
2pm-3:10pm Health Fitness
3:10pm -4:45pm Dinner/Study Time
5pm -10pm World Market
Thursday: 9am- 11:50am Animal Biology
12pm -1:30pm Lunch/Study Time
1:30pm -4:10pm Painting
4:15pm -6pm Dinner Time/ Study Time / Work at the Photolab
6pm -10pm Color Photography
Friday: NICODAY! My day to do things around the house. Maybe hanging out with Irene (if she's not working). Cooking a nice meal for Stevie. We could have family over and make it a party or we could just chillax. Cuddle and a movie! :) Could work during the day if needed.
Saturday:Split day between Photolab and World Market
I hope that this works out and everyone will be happy. :)
TO DO (Before School)
-Organize Hall Closet
-Clean off Dresser
-Clean Room/Organize room
-Clean Bathroom
-Clean Kitchen
Thursday, August 6, 2009
So. I'm back in the states. Have been for a little over a week now. Just as I thought I was ready to leave Paris, I wish I was back there. I feel so sad about it. hahah. If only I could have found my French love that could have convinced me to give everything up to stay with him. *SIGH*
I know, I know. You're sitting there laughing because you and I both know that wouldn't have happened. But hey, a girl can dream can't she!?
Anyway. There was so much I wanted to post about France and all my experiences. But my stories don't capture the essence of it. I love to tell people stories, but sometimes I fear that I may bore them. I get excited by the little things that happen within my adventures. Some just don't understand. I hate the feeling when people are bored. I feel very different though. Right now, sad. haha. I know that I probably won't get back there. And that, makes me very very very sad. Tres triste. haha.
I love how the French are so protective of their culture... I wish Americans were. I loved how they didn't overly dress, but totally didn't under dress for an occasion. It was just right. I wish Americans did that. I'm trying to incorporate it in my daily dressing, but I feel like I'm over dressing. I don't like getting looks from people.
What I hoped to happen when I came home from France, was that I would have magically changed into something that I wanted to change into. (haha. Total run-on sentence that isn't clear.) I was hoping that all my insecurities and problems would have dissipated and turned into something lovely. Which, I do fear that I still hold most of my insecurities, but I feel more secure about them. I was hoping to be more motivated about getting myself together. On the contrary, I feel more secure about doing what I want.. Which at this given moment, doesn't seem to be much on the track of 'getting myself together'
I was hoping that maybe I would have had an epiphany about life and what it is exactly that I want to do. It's shed some light on some things that I really do want to do (ie: learn french, go back to paris...)There are so many things that I want to do, that I just cannot bear the thought of having to choose between them. (There is also a motivation issue. I can mentally motivate myself, but that doesn't mean that my body will wake up on time...) The things I want most to do would tear my world apart and put me in uncomfortable grounds. And there would be no definite at the end of the day. I may or may not have a job, but I for sure wouldn't have my friendships and my relationship. It'd be easier to do nothing. But that too, would eventually eat me apart. Because I could never just do nothing....
I feel like I'm crazy! haha. I just want to have it all figured out. I know this is impossible. I just can't accept that things will be alright without knowing what will happen. I don't know that I'll ever graduate because I just cannot make up my mind. But I want to teach. Like you have no idea. But I don't want to be horrible at it, and I don't know that I'll have a job. I'd hate to spend all this time and money into something that I won't even get a job in. Then get stuck working in fast food barely able to pay my bills. I want to move to France. Become a waitress and bask in the beauty of Paris. Everything was beautiful. Even the bums and the urine stench. haha. (OK, maybe not the urine stench...)
I was supposed to hang out with a friend today. She bailed on me yesterday. I could have hung out with Irene, but like I said. I'm feeling very sad. It feels like a horrible break up. haha. DAMN YOU PARIS! haha. So in between my bursts of tears, I've been watching French films. haha. The last one I watched struck a chord. It was called 'Broken English'. Melvil Poupaud is so cute in this movie. I loved his French charm. He could be the vision of my French knight in shinning armor. haha. I know, dream on. haha. Gosh. I need a puff party. haha.
I know, I know. You're sitting there laughing because you and I both know that wouldn't have happened. But hey, a girl can dream can't she!?
Anyway. There was so much I wanted to post about France and all my experiences. But my stories don't capture the essence of it. I love to tell people stories, but sometimes I fear that I may bore them. I get excited by the little things that happen within my adventures. Some just don't understand. I hate the feeling when people are bored. I feel very different though. Right now, sad. haha. I know that I probably won't get back there. And that, makes me very very very sad. Tres triste. haha.
I love how the French are so protective of their culture... I wish Americans were. I loved how they didn't overly dress, but totally didn't under dress for an occasion. It was just right. I wish Americans did that. I'm trying to incorporate it in my daily dressing, but I feel like I'm over dressing. I don't like getting looks from people.
What I hoped to happen when I came home from France, was that I would have magically changed into something that I wanted to change into. (haha. Total run-on sentence that isn't clear.) I was hoping that all my insecurities and problems would have dissipated and turned into something lovely. Which, I do fear that I still hold most of my insecurities, but I feel more secure about them. I was hoping to be more motivated about getting myself together. On the contrary, I feel more secure about doing what I want.. Which at this given moment, doesn't seem to be much on the track of 'getting myself together'
I was hoping that maybe I would have had an epiphany about life and what it is exactly that I want to do. It's shed some light on some things that I really do want to do (ie: learn french, go back to paris...)There are so many things that I want to do, that I just cannot bear the thought of having to choose between them. (There is also a motivation issue. I can mentally motivate myself, but that doesn't mean that my body will wake up on time...) The things I want most to do would tear my world apart and put me in uncomfortable grounds. And there would be no definite at the end of the day. I may or may not have a job, but I for sure wouldn't have my friendships and my relationship. It'd be easier to do nothing. But that too, would eventually eat me apart. Because I could never just do nothing....
I feel like I'm crazy! haha. I just want to have it all figured out. I know this is impossible. I just can't accept that things will be alright without knowing what will happen. I don't know that I'll ever graduate because I just cannot make up my mind. But I want to teach. Like you have no idea. But I don't want to be horrible at it, and I don't know that I'll have a job. I'd hate to spend all this time and money into something that I won't even get a job in. Then get stuck working in fast food barely able to pay my bills. I want to move to France. Become a waitress and bask in the beauty of Paris. Everything was beautiful. Even the bums and the urine stench. haha. (OK, maybe not the urine stench...)
I was supposed to hang out with a friend today. She bailed on me yesterday. I could have hung out with Irene, but like I said. I'm feeling very sad. It feels like a horrible break up. haha. DAMN YOU PARIS! haha. So in between my bursts of tears, I've been watching French films. haha. The last one I watched struck a chord. It was called 'Broken English'. Melvil Poupaud is so cute in this movie. I loved his French charm. He could be the vision of my French knight in shinning armor. haha. I know, dream on. haha. Gosh. I need a puff party. haha.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Viva le France et Rouen!
So the time I've been waiting for has arrived! I'm over in Europe! :)
First flight(s)
-My first flight was delayed by an hour. Sucked then, but it made it perfect timing for the second flight.
-The turbulence/landing/departure from the ground made me fear for my life. It was one of those thrill moments where I enjoyed it at the same time. Love/hate relationship I tell ya...
-I'm so happy that I had aisle seats both flights. I forget where I'm sitting on my way home.
-I loved watching outside the windows. The clouds were amazingly beautiful. When I first looked out the window, I saw nothing but white clouds. They looked like mounts of mountains covered in snow. It's what I imagined Antartica to look like. haha. When we were landing in France, the clouds were big and puffy. They reminded me of cotton candy. I wanted to lay in them and take a nap.
-I also realized that i brought way too much crap that I wasn't going to use on the flight. (IE: 6 magazines, 4 books, nintendo ds, soduku games. haha) The only thing i really used was my ipod. Ill remember this for next time. I also tried out the games on the plane. The graphics were horrible, but it was a game.
-I was in Charles De Gaulle airport for awhile. It was pretty cool. A bit confusing, a long way from where my plane landed.
-The drive to Rouen was wonderful. I saw so many fields and trees. It was breathtaking. In a way it reminded me of Pa with less extremes of hills.
-I then fell asleep for an hour. (mind you, the only sleep I've had in 2 days.)
-I woke up when my ipod's battery died. When I opened my eyes we had just entered Rouen. It's so cool. So many cathedrals. And oh my! The Hotel is amazing. More on that later, with pictures....
-Then I wandered the streets by myself. Not many stores were open on suday as it was 3 pm, but i could still browse the windows. Then i met my group back at the hotel for a group tour of Rouen. He recommended an amazing restaurant, which 7 of us stopped and grabbed a table. The waiter was funny, and I'm glad that he put up with our american asses that can't speak french. He was very nice though. My meal consisted of: Escargo as an apetizer, pepsi, and Croquet-Madame. Both were good. I'll elaborate more when I'm not so tired haha.
-Then I went and wandered by myself some more.
-Then Once I had enough of that, I went back to the hotel to unpack.
-While I was unpacking, I wanted to get my laptop connected to Wi-Fi. The only problem was, it was under a password. Easy, right? Go ask the professor? Yeah, he was out eating. haha. So I conjured up a plan! I didn't want to butcher the language, so I wrote everying out on a piece of paper. haha. correctly, because I used my mad French book skills! I walked up to her and was like 'Excuse moi....' and handed it to her. She read it, and gave me the code. Everytime I see her, she smiles at me. Not sure if thats good, or bad. lol.
-Then I went and wandered some more...
-Then it started raining, and I got soaked. I slowly walked back to the hotel, enjoying every wet moment. :)
-Somewhere along the way, I saw a dead grey kitten. It was sad. I miss my kittens. :(
- I painted my nails when i came back to the hotel while watching tv in French. I have no idea what theyre talking about! Sometimes I pick out a word or two. I get excited.
SO I'm going to have to wrap this post up... I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open!
First flight(s)
-My first flight was delayed by an hour. Sucked then, but it made it perfect timing for the second flight.
-The turbulence/landing/departure from the ground made me fear for my life. It was one of those thrill moments where I enjoyed it at the same time. Love/hate relationship I tell ya...
-I'm so happy that I had aisle seats both flights. I forget where I'm sitting on my way home.
-I loved watching outside the windows. The clouds were amazingly beautiful. When I first looked out the window, I saw nothing but white clouds. They looked like mounts of mountains covered in snow. It's what I imagined Antartica to look like. haha. When we were landing in France, the clouds were big and puffy. They reminded me of cotton candy. I wanted to lay in them and take a nap.
-I also realized that i brought way too much crap that I wasn't going to use on the flight. (IE: 6 magazines, 4 books, nintendo ds, soduku games. haha) The only thing i really used was my ipod. Ill remember this for next time. I also tried out the games on the plane. The graphics were horrible, but it was a game.
-I was in Charles De Gaulle airport for awhile. It was pretty cool. A bit confusing, a long way from where my plane landed.
-The drive to Rouen was wonderful. I saw so many fields and trees. It was breathtaking. In a way it reminded me of Pa with less extremes of hills.
-I then fell asleep for an hour. (mind you, the only sleep I've had in 2 days.)
-I woke up when my ipod's battery died. When I opened my eyes we had just entered Rouen. It's so cool. So many cathedrals. And oh my! The Hotel is amazing. More on that later, with pictures....
-Then I wandered the streets by myself. Not many stores were open on suday as it was 3 pm, but i could still browse the windows. Then i met my group back at the hotel for a group tour of Rouen. He recommended an amazing restaurant, which 7 of us stopped and grabbed a table. The waiter was funny, and I'm glad that he put up with our american asses that can't speak french. He was very nice though. My meal consisted of: Escargo as an apetizer, pepsi, and Croquet-Madame. Both were good. I'll elaborate more when I'm not so tired haha.
-Then I went and wandered by myself some more.
-Then Once I had enough of that, I went back to the hotel to unpack.
-While I was unpacking, I wanted to get my laptop connected to Wi-Fi. The only problem was, it was under a password. Easy, right? Go ask the professor? Yeah, he was out eating. haha. So I conjured up a plan! I didn't want to butcher the language, so I wrote everying out on a piece of paper. haha. correctly, because I used my mad French book skills! I walked up to her and was like 'Excuse moi....' and handed it to her. She read it, and gave me the code. Everytime I see her, she smiles at me. Not sure if thats good, or bad. lol.
-Then I went and wandered some more...
-Then it started raining, and I got soaked. I slowly walked back to the hotel, enjoying every wet moment. :)
-Somewhere along the way, I saw a dead grey kitten. It was sad. I miss my kittens. :(
- I painted my nails when i came back to the hotel while watching tv in French. I have no idea what theyre talking about! Sometimes I pick out a word or two. I get excited.
SO I'm going to have to wrap this post up... I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Paris in two weeks!
Oh my. Oh my. Oh my. haha. I'm so excited that I'm nauseous. I was trying not to think about it because I know I'll eventually throw up. haha.
Anyway. Yes, I'll be in Paris in two weeks. I'm so excited! I'll be there for 10 days, but still. I wish I had more time. There is so much I want to see and do! I can't wait to see everything and eat some delicious food! I just hope I saved enough money. I want to go SHOPPING! Haha.
Speaking of shopping.. I have to go shopping tomorrow for all the crap I'll need for my trip. I so don't want to do this. But, Irene and I will have fun while doing it! After our fun-adventure-filled day I want to work out. (Boo.) Hopefully it'll be a bike ride. I enjoy those. Steve and I went bike riding a couple weeks ago. I hadn't done it in 10 years (sad, I know). It was funny because I could barely keep it straight. It's amazing how quickly your skills deteriorate.
I've been relatively happier lately (which is enjoyable). I think it's due to two reasons- a) I'm not so stressed with the school/work life and b) I've been actually getting out the house doing things! (and [gasp!] actually spending time with people!) I've probably done more in the past two months than I have in the past two years. Sad, but true. I have Irene to thank for that! I actually want to do things. Most of my days off are spent crafting/cooking/shopping with Irene. I love it! Hopefully she's not getting sick of me. haha. We started a journal to capture the essence of our adventures: Elles.Crafty! It will hold recipes that we've tried (the good, the bad, and the awesome!), pictures of tasties (yes, I so did just make that word up), pictures of us having fun, and directions for crafts we've done along with final project pictures. Irene came up with it, cuz she's awesome. haha. Hopefully we can keep these fun days going while I'm in school and while she's working. I'll be sad without them. haha.
Anyway, I just realized the time. I must sleep now, for I have to meet Irene at 11 for our fun day, and I shall not be late!
Anyway. Yes, I'll be in Paris in two weeks. I'm so excited! I'll be there for 10 days, but still. I wish I had more time. There is so much I want to see and do! I can't wait to see everything and eat some delicious food! I just hope I saved enough money. I want to go SHOPPING! Haha.
Speaking of shopping.. I have to go shopping tomorrow for all the crap I'll need for my trip. I so don't want to do this. But, Irene and I will have fun while doing it! After our fun-adventure-filled day I want to work out. (Boo.) Hopefully it'll be a bike ride. I enjoy those. Steve and I went bike riding a couple weeks ago. I hadn't done it in 10 years (sad, I know). It was funny because I could barely keep it straight. It's amazing how quickly your skills deteriorate.
I've been relatively happier lately (which is enjoyable). I think it's due to two reasons- a) I'm not so stressed with the school/work life and b) I've been actually getting out the house doing things! (and [gasp!] actually spending time with people!) I've probably done more in the past two months than I have in the past two years. Sad, but true. I have Irene to thank for that! I actually want to do things. Most of my days off are spent crafting/cooking/shopping with Irene. I love it! Hopefully she's not getting sick of me. haha. We started a journal to capture the essence of our adventures: Elles.Crafty! It will hold recipes that we've tried (the good, the bad, and the awesome!), pictures of tasties (yes, I so did just make that word up), pictures of us having fun, and directions for crafts we've done along with final project pictures. Irene came up with it, cuz she's awesome. haha. Hopefully we can keep these fun days going while I'm in school and while she's working. I'll be sad without them. haha.
Anyway, I just realized the time. I must sleep now, for I have to meet Irene at 11 for our fun day, and I shall not be late!
Friday, May 15, 2009
So instead of cleaning my office (and the rest of the house for that matter) I've decided to procrastinate by writing a blog. I'm disappointed with certain things in my life, but I'm not exactly sure what to do about them. I guess I'm more so disappointed with myself and how I allow things to be. I want to change, but I don't know where to begin. I want to be who I used to be, but I don't know how to find myself again. One day I hope to catch a glimpse....
I just have to remember that every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around.
Tomorrow is a new day. I will start my journey towards change.
I just have to remember that every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around.
Tomorrow is a new day. I will start my journey towards change.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
ever wonder what its like to be free
away from all the tradgedy
feeling like a newborn
covered with innocence
with all absence of fears
and a sense of curious imagination
ready to explore the world with no bias
just an open book with a pen and paper
ready to jot down all experiences
all the dreams and hopes you could wish
all that can be done could be done
with one single life altering decision
ever wonder what life would be
if everyone could accept one another
compromising all their feelings towards differences
subjecting their mind to openness
a world with out hate
bringing peace to all
no fear of shame
for openness sees no differences and welcomes change
ever remember the days of your childhood
where you can see the exact memory
as it all plays out on the movie screen in your head
all the fond sounds and feelings flood back
with such a force that leaves you stunned
ever wonder what your life would be
if you could change every decision you've made
what paths you've taken
would they lead you back to your starting point
or would you end at a trophy held high on a shelf
would you be something glamory and glittery
with a fake smile and a cold hug
would you be one dieing to fit in yet needing to be different
with a continuing depression, eyeliner, and black finger nails
would you be all prim and proper pulled by a string
with lips moving yet never speaking a word
every toss and turn leads us towards an infinate journey
a journey whoose end will never be found
a journey defined by endless possibilty
away from all the tradgedy
feeling like a newborn
covered with innocence
with all absence of fears
and a sense of curious imagination
ready to explore the world with no bias
just an open book with a pen and paper
ready to jot down all experiences
all the dreams and hopes you could wish
all that can be done could be done
with one single life altering decision
ever wonder what life would be
if everyone could accept one another
compromising all their feelings towards differences
subjecting their mind to openness
a world with out hate
bringing peace to all
no fear of shame
for openness sees no differences and welcomes change
ever remember the days of your childhood
where you can see the exact memory
as it all plays out on the movie screen in your head
all the fond sounds and feelings flood back
with such a force that leaves you stunned
ever wonder what your life would be
if you could change every decision you've made
what paths you've taken
would they lead you back to your starting point
or would you end at a trophy held high on a shelf
would you be something glamory and glittery
with a fake smile and a cold hug
would you be one dieing to fit in yet needing to be different
with a continuing depression, eyeliner, and black finger nails
would you be all prim and proper pulled by a string
with lips moving yet never speaking a word
every toss and turn leads us towards an infinate journey
a journey whoose end will never be found
a journey defined by endless possibilty
Thursday, May 7, 2009
My semester is over! Whoo-hooo! I will miss some classes though. I will miss ceramics and photography. I won't find out my final grades until next week, hopefully I do well. I think I will get 3 A's and 2 B's. I brought Irene to my Photography Critique (Tuesday) and my Ceramics Critique (Wednesday). Here's what happened:
9 am- French Final
10-11 am- I talked to my humanities prof about some books he recommended me reading. I ordered them on Amazon yesterday! I've never done it before, so I can't wait to get them.
11 am- Humanities Final
11:50 am- went home, gathered my portfolio for photography.
1 pm- picked irene up.
- we went to school, and I sold my books back. $215 towards Paris. Woot!
2:30 pm- The photography critique that lasted forever. The only thing that I took away from the critique, was that he really hated the one model's shirt because the cap sleeve was just not a flattering look on the model. haha.
4:15 pm- The Prof looked at my portfolio.
4:20 pm- Irene and I went to Ulta (the most amazing store in the world) and then Target.
6:15 pm- Irene and I met our boys and their parents at Baker's Square for dinner. Mmm. pie.
7:30 pm- Irene and I went to Old Navy ( the other most amazing store in the world) for jeans. We ended up buying more than jeans though. haha.
12:40 pm- Picked up Irene
1:00 pm- Ceramics Critique. (Will post pictures later.)
4:00 pm- Crepes at Baker's Square. Mm pie.
5:00 pm- Work.
So now that school is out, I have a ton of little things to do. Hopefully I get them done quickly so I can relax and do art project with Irene!
9 am- French Final
10-11 am- I talked to my humanities prof about some books he recommended me reading. I ordered them on Amazon yesterday! I've never done it before, so I can't wait to get them.
11 am- Humanities Final
11:50 am- went home, gathered my portfolio for photography.
1 pm- picked irene up.
- we went to school, and I sold my books back. $215 towards Paris. Woot!
2:30 pm- The photography critique that lasted forever. The only thing that I took away from the critique, was that he really hated the one model's shirt because the cap sleeve was just not a flattering look on the model. haha.
4:15 pm- The Prof looked at my portfolio.
4:20 pm- Irene and I went to Ulta (the most amazing store in the world) and then Target.
6:15 pm- Irene and I met our boys and their parents at Baker's Square for dinner. Mmm. pie.
7:30 pm- Irene and I went to Old Navy ( the other most amazing store in the world) for jeans. We ended up buying more than jeans though. haha.
12:40 pm- Picked up Irene
1:00 pm- Ceramics Critique. (Will post pictures later.)
4:00 pm- Crepes at Baker's Square. Mm pie.
5:00 pm- Work.
So now that school is out, I have a ton of little things to do. Hopefully I get them done quickly so I can relax and do art project with Irene!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Mixed Emotions
Man. I'm so ready for this semester to be over. I'm not pleased about certain things that are arising. I've started to become habitually late. I cannot stand it. I hate HATE being late. Yet, I always try to milk it from both ends. I try to maximize my evenings (go to bed at midnight), and force myself to wake up early to maximize my mornings (wake up at 6). It's just not working out. Yet, I just can't compromise with myself and actually admit that I cannot do this routine. Anyway. I'll keep trying to develop a better routine...
On a better note. I bought a book about encaustic painting. I've never done it before. I'm excited to try it. I'm going to have a busy summer! haha. All these Martha crafts I have to do! AND! I have to do crafting with Irene from her photo book and from the book she and Mike got me for xmas! I'm so excited! haha. Hopefully I'll have enough time between Paris for crafting! haha.
Biggest loser made me angry tonight. Real angry. Ron and Mike are both douchebags. Ron should have totally gone home a long time ago. But, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Kristen, you totally deserved to stay there. You work so hard! You make me hopeful to obtain my dreams. Thank you for that.
On a better note. I bought a book about encaustic painting. I've never done it before. I'm excited to try it. I'm going to have a busy summer! haha. All these Martha crafts I have to do! AND! I have to do crafting with Irene from her photo book and from the book she and Mike got me for xmas! I'm so excited! haha. Hopefully I'll have enough time between Paris for crafting! haha.
Biggest loser made me angry tonight. Real angry. Ron and Mike are both douchebags. Ron should have totally gone home a long time ago. But, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Kristen, you totally deserved to stay there. You work so hard! You make me hopeful to obtain my dreams. Thank you for that.
Monday, March 30, 2009
I'm late!
Today is a horrible Monday. haha. I woke up at 7:38 and I had math class at 8. I hopped into the shower quickly, got dressed quickly, and managed to get out of the house by 8. I thought I was only going to be like 10 minutes late, which is normal for me. haha.
Then I get into my car and turn it on. CRAP! I forgot to get gas on my way home! I'm going to be later,later, later.... So I stop and get gas. And then I go to the intersection that I always take to go to work or school. So I'm thinking about math things, trying to remember logarithms and natural law, not paying attention to driving, just going with the motions. Now, there are two left turning lanes, and a straight lane and then a lane to turn right. I was in the straight lane (which was the correct lane because i was heading towards school). So then the light turned green for both turning lanes and the straight lane. For whatever reason, i started turning and then about crapped myself when i realized that 'Oh hey, I'm going to school.' so then i hurry back into my lane. Poor people probably thought that I'm one of those retarded drivers. ahah.
So then. I arrive to class about 35 minutes late. Start my test. First two pages are going smoothly. Then I get the third and I cant remember how to do this one problem (which i now know how to do). So I skip the problem. I fly through the next page and then I come to a page that looks like a complete foreign language. hahah. Skip those. And attempt to do the bonus. (Luckily there was a model on the board that he forgot to erase, so I used it to guide me through it lol.) and then i go back to do the skipped problems. Yeah, couldn't do em. Left em blank. Told him that I couldn't remember how to do a few. He will tease me about it tomorrow during tutoring. haha.
Then he asks me if I have the homework to turn in. *Gulp*
Me: The test review sheet?
Him: No, the sheet that says 'Homework 3', dear.
Me: Oh, I must have left that at home.
Him: Well, you have until 5 to turn it in.
Man. haha. I totally didn't see it online last night! I would have printed it out and worked on it. Oh well. I suppose I could do it now and turn it in before I go to ceramics. Bah. haah. Wahhhh I don't want to go to ceramics. haha. I have too much carving to do! Wahhhh I don't want to go to work. WAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhh. lol.
I want to start this day over. haha
I'm late! I'm late for a very important date! No time to say "hello", "goodbye", I'm late, I'm Late I'm LATE!
Then I get into my car and turn it on. CRAP! I forgot to get gas on my way home! I'm going to be later,later, later.... So I stop and get gas. And then I go to the intersection that I always take to go to work or school. So I'm thinking about math things, trying to remember logarithms and natural law, not paying attention to driving, just going with the motions. Now, there are two left turning lanes, and a straight lane and then a lane to turn right. I was in the straight lane (which was the correct lane because i was heading towards school). So then the light turned green for both turning lanes and the straight lane. For whatever reason, i started turning and then about crapped myself when i realized that 'Oh hey, I'm going to school.' so then i hurry back into my lane. Poor people probably thought that I'm one of those retarded drivers. ahah.
So then. I arrive to class about 35 minutes late. Start my test. First two pages are going smoothly. Then I get the third and I cant remember how to do this one problem (which i now know how to do). So I skip the problem. I fly through the next page and then I come to a page that looks like a complete foreign language. hahah. Skip those. And attempt to do the bonus. (Luckily there was a model on the board that he forgot to erase, so I used it to guide me through it lol.) and then i go back to do the skipped problems. Yeah, couldn't do em. Left em blank. Told him that I couldn't remember how to do a few. He will tease me about it tomorrow during tutoring. haha.
Then he asks me if I have the homework to turn in. *Gulp*
Me: The test review sheet?
Him: No, the sheet that says 'Homework 3', dear.
Me: Oh, I must have left that at home.
Him: Well, you have until 5 to turn it in.
Man. haha. I totally didn't see it online last night! I would have printed it out and worked on it. Oh well. I suppose I could do it now and turn it in before I go to ceramics. Bah. haah. Wahhhh I don't want to go to ceramics. haha. I have too much carving to do! Wahhhh I don't want to go to work. WAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhh. lol.
I want to start this day over. haha
I'm late! I'm late for a very important date! No time to say "hello", "goodbye", I'm late, I'm Late I'm LATE!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Heraclitus and face masks....
Haha. I had to incorporate a rather interesting experience I had last night...
Well, I got home from work around 10ish to find that all the lights in the house were on, there was a candle burning, and steve's car in the driveway. Only problem was there was no Steve in sight! So I called him. Phone went to voicemail. So then I'm like, "Hm...". So I called Mike. Phone went to voicemail. I called Irene. Finally it rang, but no answer. lol. I figure he's fine, but I'm still a little confused at this point. So then 10 minutes later, Steve arrives home without free pie for the nico. :(. He said they (Baker's Square) wouldn't give him a piece to take home, and he had no money. It's sad, I know. I was looking forward to free pie. Somehow it always tastes better.
So anyway. Steve started helping me study after I did my nightly stuff. (Ie. washing my face, brushing my teeth...) This time I decided to try this new dead sea mask that I got at CVS the other day. Man, it was relaxing bliss. My face was all calm, cool, and collected as my brain was gathering all this information about Heraclitus, Thales, the numina, and all that jazz. Lovely, right? Just then I see this figure walk past the window and then I see Irina's smiling face staring at me. Uh,oh. I was caught with my mask on! haha. We enjoyed a 15 minutes of laughing about it. But none the less, it was a bit embarrassing. haha. At least we can laugh about it. Who knows, maybe we will have a face mask party someday. :)
Well, I got home from work around 10ish to find that all the lights in the house were on, there was a candle burning, and steve's car in the driveway. Only problem was there was no Steve in sight! So I called him. Phone went to voicemail. So then I'm like, "Hm...". So I called Mike. Phone went to voicemail. I called Irene. Finally it rang, but no answer. lol. I figure he's fine, but I'm still a little confused at this point. So then 10 minutes later, Steve arrives home without free pie for the nico. :(. He said they (Baker's Square) wouldn't give him a piece to take home, and he had no money. It's sad, I know. I was looking forward to free pie. Somehow it always tastes better.
So anyway. Steve started helping me study after I did my nightly stuff. (Ie. washing my face, brushing my teeth...) This time I decided to try this new dead sea mask that I got at CVS the other day. Man, it was relaxing bliss. My face was all calm, cool, and collected as my brain was gathering all this information about Heraclitus, Thales, the numina, and all that jazz. Lovely, right? Just then I see this figure walk past the window and then I see Irina's smiling face staring at me. Uh,oh. I was caught with my mask on! haha. We enjoyed a 15 minutes of laughing about it. But none the less, it was a bit embarrassing. haha. At least we can laugh about it. Who knows, maybe we will have a face mask party someday. :)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
First photography assignment
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
My office
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I'm all smiles today. For two reasons.
a) my office is finally clean. I've been trying to have a clean office for about 2 years now. I finally have one. (AWESOME)
b) I've lost a total of 7 pounds. WAHOO!
c) my office is finally an office. Complete with coffee table/ sofa. :)
So I started school a couple weeks ago..
Monday/ Wednesday:
Math 8-10
Ceramics 2 1-5
Tuesday/ Thursday:
French 8-10
Humanities 10-1230
Portrait Photography 230-5
I'm loving every minute of this!
a) my office is finally clean. I've been trying to have a clean office for about 2 years now. I finally have one. (AWESOME)
b) I've lost a total of 7 pounds. WAHOO!
c) my office is finally an office. Complete with coffee table/ sofa. :)
So I started school a couple weeks ago..
Monday/ Wednesday:
Math 8-10
Ceramics 2 1-5
Tuesday/ Thursday:
French 8-10
Humanities 10-1230
Portrait Photography 230-5
I'm loving every minute of this!
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