Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Namesake

I watched a really touching movie tonight. (Yet again, thanks to the lovely Stephen who upgraded to HBO.) It was called the Namesake. It was about a Pakistani family struggling with American values. I'd recommend it to anyone.

Go Steelers!!!

I'm watching the game (Steelers vs Ravens), We're in overtime. GO STEELERS!!!! :)

I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow. I'm thankful I don't have to work tomorrow, otherwise I don't know when I'd get all my tasks done!

To Do:
-Math Homework (3 sections worth)
-Photography Homework (36 shots of different vantage points)
-Psychology Homework (Bonus video description and analysis)
-Tutoring appointment at 3 or 3:30
-Return + exchange something at Best Buy
-Fold and put away laundry
-Wash Dishes
-Rearrange bedroom

And the Steelers won!! Awwwwwww yeah.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Well. Today was a busy day from the get go. Crazy sales going on at work. lol. Basically, every rug is going on sale so I had to price each one individually. Oh well. I'm eating these delicious thin shortbread cookies with coarse sugar on them and watching Mr. Bean's Holiday.

Speaking of holiday... lol. I think I need a mental holiday from work and school. I have a test in my dream class on Monday. Hopefully I will do better than I did on previous tests. Cross your fingers!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Season's are a changing!

Hi! I got inspired by my dear friends SB and Vladi to create another blog! I had one years ago, but I get easily distracted and forget to update. Hopefuly that won't happen with this one! I'm looking forward to sharing all about my days! I promise to try to post at least every day. If not every day, every other day.
Today was very productive. I woke up early on a day I technically didn't have to. (I know, I was shocked too.) I started a load of laundry, swept/mopped the kitchen, and then enjoyed a orange julius on my comfy couch! Man, it was tasty. Now I'm enjoying the perks of HBO. Movies all day! It's crazy! Much thanks to the wonderful Stevie for deciding to upgrade!

I must say though, I had a rough day yesterday... I was all pumped for school to see how well I did on tests I had taken previously on Monday. I headed to campus early, got an awesome parking spot, and arrived to class early. All is going well. My math teacher goes over the next lesson (which started off well, and then started to go over my head, but I'll get the hang of it) and then passes out the test. My heart sank when I read the grade. D. Omg, a D. lol. I didn't get upset about it at that time, because I knew I could have studied more and convinced myself that I did better on my other two tests.

I go to the photography lab and start finishing up this same print that I have been working on for the past 5 classes. Everything goes great until I expose my final print and develop it. I don't know what keeps happening, nor does the teacher. For whatever reason the print is in focus when I do my test strip and develop it, and then goes out of focus when I do my final print. I've wasted a lot of paper on this first project... It doesn't bother me that it's taking me more time and extra paper to do it, it bothers me that it's the same problem over and over. lol. But I will get the hang of it.

I go to speech and get my test right away. Thinking that I did better than my first test, I don't look at the grade until I sit down. (Good thing too.) When I do get comfortable and take a look at the grade, it was a complete let down. Again, a D. Not just an old little D though, I managed to get a D+. One stinking point. haha. I will study better the next time.

After speech, I head to the opposite side of campus for Psychology. Thinking that I got this since I aced the pop quiz for extra credit, I wasn't too concerned. She passes back the test. Another let down. Yet again, and horrible letter D. One more stinking point and I could have had a C. Not that a C is better to me than a D, but it's still higher on the failure totem pole than that D. Yet again, I will study better the next time.

Dream class was a relief. We have a test on Monday, so we had a class review. At least I knew most of the answers to the questions asked. I suppose that means nothing because that obviously meant nothing on Monday. haha.

Other than it being extremely disappointing, I had a great day. Sb and Vladi, my neighbors from my old apartment, came over for dinner. We had spaghetti and meatballs with garlic toast. Yummy! Although I did manage to slightly burn the garlic toast, we all were stuffed with good food. For dessert, Sb and Vladi brought an apple pie. Oh my, was it good.

All in all, a great day for apple pie and a great time to catch up with friends!