Monday, August 10, 2009

Hot Hot Heat...

Gosh. I really don't like the mugginess of summer. The past two days have been horrible. At least yesterday I was at work for most of the day, and then took a quick dip in the Lake with a friend. It was a good visit. Hadn't seen her in awhile. It always fascinates me how we can always just pick things up where they left off, no matter how much time has passed in between our visits. It's going to be harder to see each other soon, for I have a busy upcoming semester. Hopefully I will survive with everything in tact...

Today, though, was supposed to be different. It was supposed to be a wake-up-early-and-go-get-active day with Irene also in attendance. Yeah, the only action I got was extra sleep and moving my thumbs on the X-box controller. I'm not sure whats up with me lately, I just don't want to get up. Maybe it's the heat or lack of motivation. Maybe even a combination of both. I feel that I let things go too easily. I always say instead of do. When push comes to shove, I never admit to myself that I could actually do what I say instead of just shrugging it off....

SO! From this point on, I'm going to go get 'em Tiger:
-I will not be hard on myself when things don't go as planned.
-I will stay positive.
-I will do what I say.
-I will not complain about doing so.
-I will not be self-defeating.
-I will do my best.
-I will!

I will do all this while maintaining my sanity! (And hopefully love and friendships too. I'd hate to loose either.) I just hope that people will be patient with me, and realize that I am going to have a LOT, I mean... A LOT... going on. 6 classes and 2 jobs. I'm not sure about the two jobs though. I hope to have 2 jobs. Although I know it will be hard (that's what she said), I look forward to the challenge. I'm excited to start classes...

My fall classes:
Economics, Sociology, Health Fitness, Animal Biology, Painting, and Color Photography.

My Ideal Fall Schedule: (Tenative)
Sunday: 11am -8pm World Market

Monday: 9:30am -10:45 am Economics
11am- 12:15pm Lunch/Study Time
12:30pm -1:45pm Sociology
2pm-3:10pm Health Fitness
3:10pm -4:45pm Dinner/Study Time
5pm -10pm World Market

Tuesday: 9am- 11:50am Animal Biology
12pm -1:30pm Lunch/Study Time
1:30pm -4:10pm Painting
4:15pm -4:45pm Dinner Time
5pm -10pm World Market

Wednesday: 9:30am -10:45 am Economics
11am- 12:15pm Lunch/Study Time
12:30pm -1:45pm Sociology
2pm-3:10pm Health Fitness
3:10pm -4:45pm Dinner/Study Time
5pm -10pm World Market

Thursday: 9am- 11:50am Animal Biology
12pm -1:30pm Lunch/Study Time
1:30pm -4:10pm Painting
4:15pm -6pm Dinner Time/ Study Time / Work at the Photolab
6pm -10pm Color Photography

Friday: NICODAY! My day to do things around the house. Maybe hanging out with Irene (if she's not working). Cooking a nice meal for Stevie. We could have family over and make it a party or we could just chillax. Cuddle and a movie! :) Could work during the day if needed.

Saturday:Split day between Photolab and World Market

I hope that this works out and everyone will be happy. :)

TO DO (Before School)
-Organize Hall Closet
-Clean off Dresser
-Clean Room/Organize room
-Clean Bathroom
-Clean Kitchen

1 comment:

Irina D. said...

duuude... i was working full time and had 6 classes or more, and was also working 2 secondary jobs - 2 websites. yet i had to somehow find time for my family, my friends, and most of all Michael. yet i somehow made it all happen. i do believe that it just comes down to really wanting things to happen, when you really do you make them happen. you don't make excuses to yourself, you don't get enough sleep, you go tired but you GO! you just don't say no and not because you don't want to offend people by bailing out on them but just because you yourself want to.

the other thing is - you are not busy yet. yet you think about how busy you are going to be. instead of that just LIVE today, relax and enjoy your time off school. the time will come and things will happen and you will be busy, but you are not busy now.