Thursday, August 6, 2009


So. I'm back in the states. Have been for a little over a week now. Just as I thought I was ready to leave Paris, I wish I was back there. I feel so sad about it. hahah. If only I could have found my French love that could have convinced me to give everything up to stay with him. *SIGH*

I know, I know. You're sitting there laughing because you and I both know that wouldn't have happened. But hey, a girl can dream can't she!?

Anyway. There was so much I wanted to post about France and all my experiences. But my stories don't capture the essence of it. I love to tell people stories, but sometimes I fear that I may bore them. I get excited by the little things that happen within my adventures. Some just don't understand. I hate the feeling when people are bored. I feel very different though. Right now, sad. haha. I know that I probably won't get back there. And that, makes me very very very sad. Tres triste. haha.

I love how the French are so protective of their culture... I wish Americans were. I loved how they didn't overly dress, but totally didn't under dress for an occasion. It was just right. I wish Americans did that. I'm trying to incorporate it in my daily dressing, but I feel like I'm over dressing. I don't like getting looks from people.

What I hoped to happen when I came home from France, was that I would have magically changed into something that I wanted to change into. (haha. Total run-on sentence that isn't clear.) I was hoping that all my insecurities and problems would have dissipated and turned into something lovely. Which, I do fear that I still hold most of my insecurities, but I feel more secure about them. I was hoping to be more motivated about getting myself together. On the contrary, I feel more secure about doing what I want.. Which at this given moment, doesn't seem to be much on the track of 'getting myself together'

I was hoping that maybe I would have had an epiphany about life and what it is exactly that I want to do. It's shed some light on some things that I really do want to do (ie: learn french, go back to paris...)There are so many things that I want to do, that I just cannot bear the thought of having to choose between them. (There is also a motivation issue. I can mentally motivate myself, but that doesn't mean that my body will wake up on time...) The things I want most to do would tear my world apart and put me in uncomfortable grounds. And there would be no definite at the end of the day. I may or may not have a job, but I for sure wouldn't have my friendships and my relationship. It'd be easier to do nothing. But that too, would eventually eat me apart. Because I could never just do nothing....

I feel like I'm crazy! haha. I just want to have it all figured out. I know this is impossible. I just can't accept that things will be alright without knowing what will happen. I don't know that I'll ever graduate because I just cannot make up my mind. But I want to teach. Like you have no idea. But I don't want to be horrible at it, and I don't know that I'll have a job. I'd hate to spend all this time and money into something that I won't even get a job in. Then get stuck working in fast food barely able to pay my bills. I want to move to France. Become a waitress and bask in the beauty of Paris. Everything was beautiful. Even the bums and the urine stench. haha. (OK, maybe not the urine stench...)

I was supposed to hang out with a friend today. She bailed on me yesterday. I could have hung out with Irene, but like I said. I'm feeling very sad. It feels like a horrible break up. haha. DAMN YOU PARIS! haha. So in between my bursts of tears, I've been watching French films. haha. The last one I watched struck a chord. It was called 'Broken English'. Melvil Poupaud is so cute in this movie. I loved his French charm. He could be the vision of my French knight in shinning armor. haha. I know, dream on. haha. Gosh. I need a puff party. haha.

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