Sunday, October 11, 2009


I'm a little unsure of what to think, but I know and understand that it is my own fault. I shouldn't have done what I did, but I was curious. I regret it and am disappointed by it. It hurts and probably will for awhile. After all, I really believed we were friends. Only time will tell if the damage done can heal itself, but I doubt the relationship will ever completely be the same. I thought I knew you better, but I was gravely mistaken. Turns out that you are just like the rest. I had high hopes that things would be different between us. But then again, I shouldn't have had high expectations. It only leads to disappointment. Only time can tell...

Anyway, I have a terrible headache right now. Charlie is here to comfort me.

I picked up a new CD the other day by a group called The Books. I had never heard them before until Frank at the photo-lab was in his office listening to them. I made a cup of tea and stood in his doorway to listen to a song. They're an experimental indie rock group. I enjoy their mellow edge. The words they picked to speak in their songs are chosen perfectly.

I drove to North Olmsted the other day to work at the World Market out there for the day. It's about 45 minutes to an hour away. I'm not fond of highway driving, but it was pretty easy to navigate. The store itself I had trouble finding, but eventually I did. It's an adorable store and the staff is wonderful. I did get lost on the way home, but I got there. I was a bit (understatement) upset. I hate getting lost by myself. Add in a fast-paced highway, cars speeding well above the speed limit, rain, shitty windshield wipers, cars cutting you off, and Mac trucks on either side of your vehicle. haha. It was a bit nerve racking. I suppose its strange to have those fears, but I don't want to get into an accident. One is enough. Overall, it was a very pleasant day. It was very different from what I'm accustomed to as of lately. They actually have product to sell, and the customers were really nice!

Speaking of my store, our final day is October 24th. Well, the last day open to the general public. The last two weeks after the 24th will be spent cleaning the store. All my coworkers invited me out to the bar that night for a final good-bye, World Market style. After all, a dollar more, holler more! haha.

Man. My head is pounding and my eyes are heavy. The pain is interrupting my thoughts. Hypnos is calling my name. I think I will visit him...